My bags are packed; I've said my goodbyes; Away we go. I found a ride to Montana on Craigslist, and tomorrow morning he's picking me up at my old place of work, Folsom Street Coffee. I'll get into Bozeman late in the day and find a place to stay. The next morning I'll hitchhike as far as I can I-90 toward Seattle, and whatever distance I don't make by the end of Tuesday, I'll complete with a Greyhound ride. From Seattle I'll make my way slowly down the coast, eventually ending up in L.A. on October 9. There'll be a week of revelry and debauchery, and then it's off to Bangkok, for--in all likelihood-- more revelry and debauchery.
All I'm taking is a small backpack. It would probably be considered a large day pack, but I'm going to live out of it for months. What am I bringing? I'm taking a small sleeping bag, a sheet, and a pad. I have a water bottle and a thermos. There's a bag of food with 3 apples, 1lb of almonds, and two small chocolate bars. To wear, I have a pair of shorts, capris, and jeans; 2 tanks, 3 T's, a long sleeve, and a button-up; as well as 3 pairs of boxers, and 3 pairs of socks; and then a sun hat, a pair of shoes and flip flops. Then there are some odds and ends, like a sac of cables and chargers, a bag of toiletries, a pack towel, a map of the western United States, a digital camera, and a headlamp. For the brain, I have two books, (Shantaram, and The Perennial Philosophy), my journal, and an ipod. And it all fits cozily in my "day pack."

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